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tinctured with the doctrine of sinless perfection. No wonder therefore you write thus. May God give you a right judgment in all things, and enable you rightly to divide the word of truth! As for assurance, I cannot but think, all who are truly converted must know that there was a time in which they closed with Christ: But then, as so many have died only with an humble hope, and have been even under doubts and fears, though they could not but be looked upon as christians; I am less positive than once I was, lest haply I should condemn some of God's dear children. The farther we go in the spiritual life, the more cool and rational shall we be, and yet more truly zealous. I speak this by experience. Dear brother H—— will not be angry with me. I hope, and believe, you pray for me. The Lord Jesus carries me on. Many have been convinced at London. I preach here twice daily, to large congregations, with great power. The Lord, I believe, will yet bring mighty things to pass. I am, dear H——,

 Your most affectionate brother in our dear Lord Jesus, G. W.

LETTER CCLXXVII. To the Rev. Mr. S——.

Rev. and dear Sir, Bristol, May 1, 1741.

I Am glad to hear by brother M——, that the Lord is with you. May you increase with all the increase of God. The more we do, the more we may do for the dear Lord Jesus. He strengthens me here mightily.—I am enabled to speak here with great power, rather greater than when at London. My congregations are as large as usual, and they go refreshed away. This is the Lord's doings; may all that is within us praise his holy name! Exhort the dear London people to pray for us. The Lord be with you all. Dear Sir, pray for

Your affectionate brother and unworthy
fellow-labourer in our Lord,

G. W.