Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/283

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cause of our acceptance with God lies at the feet of sovereign mercy, through Christ. Entreat the Lord to give you faith, and who knows but he may have mercy upon you. Remember you are a poor sinner, and deserve nothing. That God may reveal his dear Son in you, is the hearty prayer of

Your affectionate friend and servant,

G. W.

LETTER CCXCIII. To Mr. J—— C——, at Kingswood.

My dear Brother, London, June 8, 1741.

How sweetly does providence order all things for us! Just before yours came, I was resolved to send you 20l. to begin the society-room at Kingswood. Mrs. C—— gives it, and I believe will make it up fifty. This gentlewoman hath been made happily instrumental in relieving me out of my late distress. You know how I was threatened to be arrested, soon after my arrival, for above three hundred pounds, due on account of the Orphan-house in Georgia, and I do not know but a writ was actually taken out. This drove me to my knees. God gave me to wrestle, with strong cryings and many tears, both before and after I went to rest—I could plead with him that it was not for myself but his poor. The example of Professor Frank encouraged me to pray, tho' I found he ventured only week by week; but my situation in such a foreign climate constrained me to run upon larger arrears.—God was pleased to give me an answer of peace. Having as I thought a full assurance of immediate help from some quarter or another, I went to sleep most comfortably. Early the next morning a friend came to me to enquire, if I knew where a gentlewoman of his acquaintance might put out three or four hundred pounds. I replied, let her lend it to me, and in a few months, God willing, she shall have it again.—Upon being acquainted with my circumstances, she most chearfully sent me the sum I wanted, and thus my enemies were disappointed of their hope. Praise the Lord, O my soul!—But to return. I would have you lay the foundation immediately, but take care of building too large or too handsome. Notwithstanding my