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To Mr. J—— C——, at Bristol.

My dear Brother, Hertford, July 1, 1741.

THE Lord has been with me greatly, ever since I left London.—I have been enabled to preach twice every day, and to ride several miles. The congregations have been every where very large. God's presence has accompanied the word. People's hearts have been enlarged. Within these few days, we have collected near a hundred pounds for the poor orphans. Numbers of souls, I believe, are under convictions. In some places we have had near ten thousand hearers. Invitations are so pressing, that I purpose going another circuit to Bedford, and to preach in the counties round about for near a fortnight, and then return to London. I hope the Lord is with you; I am somewhat weak in body, but sweet and comfortable in my soul. Dear J—— joins with me in love to you and all. Pray for,

 Yours in the best bonds, G. W.

LETTER CCC. To Mr. J—— H——, at Savannah.

Colchester, July 12, 1741.

My very dear Friend and Brother,

I Have not heard from you since you wrote last January. I have been a circuit into Hertfordshire, Essex, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, and Suffolk. I have been enabled to preach twice daily, and to ride several miles. Congregations have been surprisingly large; the word is attended with power, and the alarm in the country rather greater than ever. Contributions arise and increase. You are all much upon my heart. God will yet provide for you. I write this in great haste. God gives me much of his presence. I am more and more convinced, that evangelizing is my proper business at present. God gives me great access every where. The Lord be with