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If you never have believed yet, it is time for you to believe

now. "Lord, give me faith!" for faith is the free gift of God. What if your heart be hard, Jesus can soften it. What if you have yet no marks of your election? surely you dare not say, "You are not elected," or that Christ hath not died for you, even for you. It is, indeed, a bad thing to have only notions in the head, and no solid experience in the heart. But it is a good thing to be convinced of this. Blessed be God, who hath given you to bewail it. Look upon this as a token for good.—Trust not to means; when they are taken from you, Christ can and will work without them. The Lord may bring you help in a way, and at a time you know not of. Your extremity shall be God's opportunity. If the Lord vouchsafes to bless this letter in the least degree to your comfort, it will much rejoice the heart of, dear Miss,

 Your affectionate friend and servant in Christ, G. W.

LETTER CCCXIII. To Mr. J—— H——, at Georgia.

On board the Mary and Ann, July 25, 1741.

My dear Brother,

WITH much pleasure I have again read over your kind letter. God is a God hearing prayer. My dear brother H—— is awakened out of sleep. Help me men, help me angels, to praise God in his behalf! My dear brother, I pray God you may never lie down again. Christ is now giving you light; walk and rejoice in that light. Keep close, keep close, my dear man, and let nothing steal away your poor heart from the blessed Jesus. Give it all to him, give it to him, hard, earthly, sensual, devilish, as it is. He will wash it in his precious blood. Do not tie him down to any degree of conviction. So that he brings you home, let him do it in that way he shall think best. What a loving Saviour have you to deal with! You cannot conceive how kind he is, even to me every day. I feel and see his power more and more. He seems to be beginning his work afresh in England, and it gladdens my heart to hear he is among you at Bethesda. O do nothing to grieve the blessed spirit! Let your conversation be