Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/324

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To Mr. H—— H——, in London.

Edinburgh, Aug. 11, 1741.

My very dear Brother H——,

THOUGH my eyes are dim, and my body calls for rest, yet I would fain send you a line before I go. The Lord Jesus is getting himself into many hearts. I scarce feel any restraint in preaching. Both in public and private, the Lord clothes his word with power. Poor souls come to me under deep convictions. Sweet letters are sent to me of the success of my writings and sermons; and several pressing invitations to many places. I hope God is beginning such a work here, as he begun, and is now carrying on in New-England. Night and day Jesus fills me with his love. My bodily strength is daily renewed. The Lord is pleased to open my mouth wide; praise him for it. I have preached twice, and talked, and walked much to day. My dear man, good-night. The Lord be with you!

 Ever, ever yours, in the most adorable Jesus, G. W.

LETTER CCCXLV. To the Most Honourable the M——ss of L——n.

My Lord, Edinburgh, Aug. 12, 1741.

I Am surprized to find your Lordship so condescending as to write to me. How bright does humility shine in great personages? It is this renders God so amiable to his creatures. He is infinitely good, and withal infinitely condescending. What an unparalleled instance was that of his loving kindness, his giving his only begotten Son to die for sinful man. How low did Jesus stoop when he lay in a manger, much more when he hung upon the accursed tree. When I think of this mystery of godliness, I am lost in thought. This makes me to despise all human happiness, and sets my soul a longing for a full fruition of my Jesus. I pray God to give your Lordship grace to determine to know nothing but Jesus Christ, and him crucified. He is the only center of true happiness. In him alone, solid, lasting joys are to be found. Having Jesus, I find in him I possess all things. But whither am I