Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/368

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To the Rev. Mr. W——, at Gallishiels.

Bristol, December 30, 1741.

Reverend and dear Sir,

THE love of Jesus constrains me to trouble you with a letter at this time. Nothing but his work should have prevented my writing to you sooner. But you know how it used to be with me. O how little do I for Jesus, who has done so much for me! I abhor myself in dust and ashes. I run to hide myself in his wounds. His righteousness, his blood alone can recommend me to the Father. O that I was like Christ, that his whole mind was wrought in my soul! I am now panting after his image; I am now thirsting after his purity and holiness; help me, dear Sir, help me by your prayers, that I may feel the power of the Redeemer's blood. He hath done great things already for me; but as yet I have asked nothing. Greater things are yet before me. There is an inexhaustible fulness, out of which the Redeemer would have me draw continually. O for faith, for strong faith!

I more would bless, I more would thank,
I more would live to Jesu's praise.

Since my return, I have been visiting the churches. They grow and increase daily. I preach twice every day. The Lord is among us. I hope I shall hear the same from you. In about fourteen days I go to London. About Spring I hope to see Scotland once more. I have good news from the Orphan-house. As yet, I have not freedom to write out the sermon which you mention. Through inadvertence, I did not send you Mr. M——'s letter. God's time is best. Perhaps disputes about church-government had better subside. I am determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Be pleased to remember me to dear Mr. O——, at Kelso. I hope he behaves like a good soldier of Jesus Christ. My kind respects attend your son. Be pleased to accept of the same in a most tender manner from dear Mr. S——, and from, dear Sir,

Yours most affectionately in Christ,
G. W.