Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/394

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are upholden by the arms of the mighty God of Jacob. O free grace! It fires my soul, and makes me long to do something more for Jesus. It is true indeed, I want to go home; but here are so many souls ready to perish for lack of knowledge, that I am willing to tarry below, as long as my master hath work for me to do.—When I shall come your way, I cannot determine.—All I say is, I will come when the Lord gives me

leave. At present my call is in London, where I propose staying for some time. My wife came up last Saturday, and joins with me in wishing you all manner of success. I am, my dear brother,

 Yours most affectionately in our glorious Emmanuel, G. W.

LETTER CCCCVIII. To Mr. J—— C——, in Gloucestershire.

London, April 8, 1742.

Dear Mr. J—— C——,

YOURS came to hand last night. I rejoice to hear that the Lord is with you, and that he was pleased to bless my poor labours in Gloucestershire. I would have you to dispute as little as possible. Awakened souls should be told to look continually to the Lord Jesus. The more you are acquainted with Christ, and the more deeply you drink into his spirit, the more solid you will grow. Fear not because of your present trials; "the Lord is thy God; he will never leave thee nor forsake thee." Cast all your care upon him, he careth for you. Your wife's illness shall work for good. The things I promised, are provided and shall be sent speedily. Brother H—— will be with you, God willing, next week; I pray God that his coming may be in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of peace! Our Lord is with us much here. I preach twice daily. Our society grows. My master fills me with his presence, and continually meets with us. My tender love awaits all the society. Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Seek after a