Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/426

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help me to praise him for the signal unmerited mercies conferred

on, dear brother A——,

 Your most affectionate brother and servant in Christ, G. W.

LETTER CCCCXXXVI. To Mr. H—— B——, in South-Carolina.

Dear Mr. B—— August 6, 1742.

I Have just been walking with a nobleman in his fine house, and likewise talking with him about the house not made with hands, of which you and I are heirs. Blessed be God, who has given us the earnest of an inheritance amongst all them that are sanctified. This you shall surely in a very little time be a possessor of, notwithstanding of late satan has bruised your heel. That cunning, cruel archer has shot sorely at you, that you might fall, but the Lord has been, and the Lord will be your helper. Even this shall work together for good to your own and many other souls. Our Saviour would never have given satan leave to have sifted you, had he not prayed for you, and intended to bring great good out of it. If it makes you more like a little child, and your friends and acquaintance more watchful and self-diffident, it will be very well. O dear Sir, I see every day plainer and plainer that I am nothing, have nothing, and can do nothing, and yet I can do all things through Jesus Christ strengthening me. What God has lately done for me and his church, is unspeakable. Ere long I hope to tell you face to face. In the mean time, be pleased to remember me in your prayers and praises. Accept my hearty thanks for all favours conferr'd on my orphan family. Be pleased to remember me in the kindest and most cordial manner, to all your dear relations, and believe me to be, dear Mr. B——,

Your most obliged affectionate friend, brother
and servant in Christ,
G. W.