Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/460

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  • sure often to go without the camp, and to bear a little of his

sacred reproach, and I prefer it to all the treasures in the world. Weak as I am, my Jesus makes me more than conqueror through his love. He has brought mighty things to pass here, and gotten himself the victory in many hearts. I trust, there is not a day passes but some poor creature or another is plucked as a brand out of the burning. I wish I could hear God was more in the camp. Blessed be his name for raising you up, honoured Sir, to lift a standard for him. May you

be endued with the meekness of Moses, the courage of Joshua, the zeal of Paul, and a large portion of the blessed spirit of Christ! I hope, honoured Sir, you will now and then remember me a poor sinner, and speak a word for me to the King of kings and Lord of lords, that I may not turn my head in the day of battle, but rather die for, than deny him in any wise. Neither you nor yours are forgotten by me. Indeed I am a poor creature, but happy, very happy in the once crucified, but now exalted Jesus. For his sake, and in his great name, I beg leave to subscribe myself, honoured Sir,

 Your affectionate humble servant, &c. G. W.

LETTER CCCCLXIII. To the Reverend Mr. J—— W——-.

Edinburgh, October 11, 1742.

Reverend and dear Sir,

ABOUT ten days ago, I sent you a packet by my dear wife, which I hope you will have received ere this comes to hand. Yesterday morning I had your kind letter dated October 5. In answer to the first part of it, I say, "Let old things pass away, and all things become new." I can heartily say, "Amen" to the latter part of it. "Let the king live for ever, and controversy die." It has died with me long ago. I shall be glad to see the extract of your journal. Be pleased to send it immediately, under cover, to Mr. E——, member of parliament in Edinburgh. I shall not leave Scotland in less than three weeks. Before yours came, I had engaged to go through Newcastle in my way to London. I rejoice to hear the Lord has blessed your dear brother's labours. I am enabled to preach twice daily with great power, and find