Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/88

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the Lord. Alas! I fear I do not improve my retirement as I ought. God has graciously pleased to conduct me in mercy. The tempter has been busy with me, and I never before was more deeply wounded for sin. Christ's love will let nothing pluck us out of his hands. However, let us constantly watch and pray, that we enter not into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. In about a twelve-*month, God willing, I think of returning to England. I should rejoice, if you would come and supply my place at Savannah. If not, I must resign the parsonage, and take upon me only the care of the orphans. I intend bringing up two or three, that are with me, for the ministry: more, no doubt, will shortly be added to their number. If you could come and teach them the languages, for an hour or two in the day; we could serve both the orphan-house and parsonage together. Great things I trust will come out of Georgia. The Lord Jesus direct your spirit, and if it be his will, send you as a help to, dear Sir,

Your's most affectionately in Christ Jesus,
G. W.


Rev. and dear Sir, Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1739.

THOUGH but little acquainted with you, yet I write this to assure you, what a cordial respect I have for you. The love of God, which I trust, through his free grace, is shed abroad in both our hearts, constrains me to love you in the bowels of Jesus Christ. I remember you in my unworthy prayers, and am persuaded I am not forgotten in your's. No one more needs them, whether considered as a private christian, or a public minister; thousands are waiting for my halting; and I know so much of the corruption of my own heart, that was God to leave me to myself but one moment, I should with oaths and curses deny my master. As for my final perseverance, I bless God, I have not the least doubt thereof. The gifts and callings of God are without repentance. Whom he loves, I am persuaded, he loves to the end. But then I fear, lest being puffed up with abundance of success, I should provoke the Lord to let me fall into