Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/104

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mand a statesman. They demand a reformer after, as well as before, the election. They de- mand a politician in the highest and broadest and best sense of that word. They demand a man acquainted with public affairs — with the wants of the people — with not only the require- ments of the hour, but with the demands of the future.

They demand a man broad enough to compre- hend the relations of this government to the other nations of the earth. They demand a man well versed in the powers, duties, and preroga- tives of each and every department of this gov- ernment.

They demand a man who will sacredly pre- serve the financial honor of the United States — one who knows enough to know that the national debt must be paid through the prosperity of this people. One who knows enough to know that all the financial theories in the world can not redeem a single dollar. One who knows enough to know that all the money must be made, not by law, but by labor. One who knows enough to know that the people of the United States have the industry to make the money and the honor to pay it over just as fast as they make it.

The Republicans of the United States demand a man who knows that prosperity and resump- tion, when they come, must come together. When they come they will come hand in hand through the golden harvest fields; hand in hand by the whirling spindle and the turning wheel; hand in 78

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