Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/303

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��Abelard, Peter? biographical Apponyl, Albert, Count; bio- note on, vol. VII, 17; on the graphical note on, vol. VII, divine tragedy, 17-19. 262, on the death of Louis

Achilles; his reply to the envoys, Kossuth, 262-264.

vol. 1, 3-8. Asqulth, Henry; biographical

Adams, Samuel; biographical note on, vol. V, 201; on trade

note on, vol. VIII, 110; on and the empire, 201-210.

American independence, 110- Augustine, Aurellus, Saint;

123. biographical note on, vol. VII,

/Eschines; biographical note on, 7; on the Lord's Prayer, 7-16.

vol. I, 186; his speech "on the 2aker, Edward D.; biographical

crown," against Demosthenes, ^^i^ ^j,^ y^^ x, 3; his reply

186-232. tP Breckenridge, 3-8.

Agricola, Cnaus Julius; bio- g^,, Arthur James; bio-

graphical note on, vol. II, 253; hical note on, vol. V, 161;

^o_his army in Scotland, 253- ^^ ^j^^ benefits of reading,

Alcibiades; biographical note „ ,...*>-, ,.. i.- ,

on, vol. I, 41; in support of Bancroft. George; biographical

the Athenian expedition to "°t« °"', ^?'- ^"1, 231; on

Sicily, 41-17; to the Spartans, ^^% P^^P'f >" ^'l' government

^7_^g '^ and religion, 231-239.

Altgeld' John P.; biographical ^arSre de Vleuzac, Bertrand;

note on. vol. X, 208; on mu- biographical note on, vol VII,

nicipal and governmental }.^J' ° ,^}^ }^^°'^?i°!J^^

ownership, 208-219. "Vengeur sailors, 161-167.

Ames, Fisher; biographical note Bamave, Antoine Pierre Joseph

on, vol. VIII, 155; on the Marie; biographical note on,

treaty with Great Britain, y°^- ^'I^. }12; against major*

155-165. ity absolutism, 112-116.

Anthony, Susan B.; biograph- Beaconsfleld, Benjamin DI»-

ical note on, vol. X, 58; on raeli,. Earl of; biographical

woman's right to the suffrage, note on, vol. V, 38; on the

58-60. principles of his party, 3?-6.'>.

Antony, Mark; biographical note Bede, surnamed "the Vewera-

on, vol. II, 200; his oration ble"; biographical note on,

over the dead body of Cssar, vol. Ill, 3; his sermo* oa

200-215. All Saints, 3-7.


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