Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/314

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Cato, the Younoee II 232

Chamberlain, Joseph V 184

Chatham, The Death of Ill 228

Choate, Run s IX 150

CiCEKO, Maecls Tullius II 52

Cicero Speaking Against Catilinu II 94

Clay, Henry, Addressing the United

States Senate IX 76

Clay, Jackson and Webster IX 24

Cleveland, Grovkr, at IIis Home in

Princeton X 130


Cranmer, Thomas Ill 18

Cromwell, Oliver, Dissolving the Long

Parliament Ill 134

Cromwell, Oliver Ill 118

Cieran, John Philpot. VI 100

Danton, George Jacqibb VII 130

Davis, Jefferson IX 204

Demosthenes I 110

Dickens, Charles, Kkading to His

Daughters Frontispiece IV

Dillon, John VI 252

Douglas, Stephen A IX 2G0

Emerson, Ralph Waldo VIII 254

Emmet, Koukkt, AijI)I;essing the Court

WHICH Condemned l\\\i . . . . I'ronti'<piece VI

Erskine, Thomas, Lord IV 72

Fox, Charles James IV 32

Franklin, Benjamin \\\l 40

Garibaldi, Giuseppe VII 230

Gladstone, William Ewwvt ... .Frontispiece V

Gracchus, Caius, and Tiherius II 32

Grattan, IIenrv VI 60

Greeley, Horace X 54


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