Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 10.djvu/43

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��setts has but 1,800 square miles unimproved. But these two are little States, — let us take greater States: Pennsylvania and Georgia. The State of Georgia has 12,000 more square miles of land than Pennsylvania. Georgia has only about 9,800 square miles of improved land; Pennsylvania has 13,400 square miles of im- proved land, or about 2,300,000 acres more than Georgia. Georgia has about 25,600 square miles of unimproved land, and Pennsylvania has only 10,400 square miles, or about 10,000,000 acres less of w^timproved land than Georgia. The one is a slave State and the other is a free State. I do not want you to forget such statistics as those, having once heard them.

Now, what can England make for the poor white population of such a future empire, and for her slave population? What carpets, what linens, what cottons can you sell to them ? What machines, what looking-glasses, what combs, what leather, what books, what pictures, what engravings? [A voice, "We'll sell them ships."] You may sell ships to a few, but what ships can you sell to two-thirds of the population of poor whites and blacks ? A little bagging and a little linsey-woolsey, a few whips and manacles, are all that you can sell for the slave. [Great ap- plause and uproar.] This very day, in the slave States of America there are eight millions out of twelve millions that are not, and can not be your customers from the very laws of trade. 21

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