Page:The World's Famous Orations Volume 5.djvu/186

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stern repression. What did the Marquis of Salisbury tell his followers on Saturday night? "Remember," he said to them, "that you are the most powerful party." Yes, sir; they are numerically the most powerful of the parties opposed to this Bill; and if this Bill should be rejected, and the reins of government should unhappily pass to them, it is their policy that will and must prevail.

Sir, the democracy of England — the new-born democracy of England — is prepared to do what is right by the Irish people ; and I trust that the knowledge of its purpose and its sympathy will enable the Irish people to await in a calm and law-abiding spirit the fulfilment of their wishes — wishes whose justice we have now, at last, ad- mitted, and for which, in this House and out of this House, on every platform in Great Britain, we shall not cease to do battle.


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