Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/150

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122 HISTORY OF THE PARLIAMENT. The Influence of Religion on Wo77ien; by the Rev. Annis F. Eastman, Cleveland. The Work of Social Refo^^m in India; by Mr. B. B. Nagar- KAR, Calcutta, India. It was at the evening session in Columbus Hall that the incident (we will not say accident) occurred, which disturbed the preconcerted order of proceedings, and furnished so strik- ing a demonstration of the genuine spirit of brotherly kind- ness that pervaded the assembly. Before the conclusion of the reading, by the Rev. Dr. Mullany, of the posthumous paper by Brother Azarias, Bishop Keane in the chair, it was discovered that the other speakers announced for the evening had not arrived, and the Presbyterian Congress, which was then in ses- sion in Hall No. 3, was invited to complete its evening exer- cises in the Hall of the Parliament. At this curiously mingled meeting Bishop Keane and Dr. Barrows alternately presided. Eminent dignitaries of the Catholic Church were sympathetic attendants on a Presbyterian Denominational Congress ; and lookers-on were at a loss which most to admire, the exquisite felicity and taste with which the speakers met the unexpected occasion, or the cordial appreciation and applause of their unwonted auditors. The Religious Training of Children ; prepared for the Par- liament by the late Brother Azarias. Read by his brother, Rev. John F. Mullany, Syracuse, N. Y. The papers presented by members of the Presbyterian Con- gress were the following : Presbyterianism and Missions ; by the Rev. H. D. Jenkins, Sioux City, Iowa. Presbyterian Reunion ; by Principal G. M. Grant, Canada. The Eighth Day. — Monday, September 18. The Parliament was called to order by Dr. Barrows, and opened with the usual act of worship. The Lord's Prayer was repeated by the Rev. Frank M. Bristol, D.D., of Chicago. It is no reflection on the other papers presented in the course of this day, to say that none of them surpassed in the