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said, "Bulldogs do give you such large, wet, pink kisses."

A mile is a good way when you have to take your turn at carrying Martha.

At last we came to a hedge with a ditch in front of it, and chains swinging from posts to keep people off the grass and out of the ditch, and a gate with "The Cedars" on it in gold letters. All very neat and tidy, and showing plainly that more than one gardener was kept. There we stopped. Alice put Martha down, grunting with exhaustedness, and said:

"Look here, Dora and Daisy, I don't believe a bit that it's his grandmother. I'm sure Dora was right, and it's only his horrid sweetheart. I feel it in my bones. Now, don't you really think we'd better chuck it; we're sure to catch it for interfering. We always do."

"The cross of true love never did come smooth," said the Dentist. "We ought to help him to bear his cross."

"But if we find her for him, and she's not his grandmother, he'll marry her," Dicky said, in tones of gloominess and despair.

Oswald felt the same, but he said, "Never mind. We should all hate it, but perhaps Albert's uncle might like it. You can never tell. If you want to do a really unselfish action and no kid, now's your time, my late Wouldbegoods."

No one had the face to say right out that they didn't want to be unselfish.

But it was with sad hearts that the unselfish