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I. Women—Wives or Mothers By A Woman 11
II. "Tell Me not Now" William Watson 19
III. The Headswoman Kenneth Grahame 25
IV. Credo Arthur Symons 48
V. White Magic Ella D'Arcy 59
VI. Fleurs de Feu José Maria de Hérédia, the French Academy 69
VII. Flowers of Fire, a Translation Ellen M. Clerke 70
VIII. When I am King Henry Harland 71
IX. To a Bunch of Lilac Theo Marzials 87
X. Apple-Blossom in Brittany Ernest Dowson 93
XI. To Salome at St. James's Theodore Wratislaw 110
XII. Second Thoughts Arthur Moore 112
XIII. Twilight Olive Custance 134
XIV. Tobacco Clouds Lionel Johnson 143
XV. Reiselust Annie Macdonell 153
XVI. To Every Man a Damsel or Two C. S. 155
XVII. A Song and a Tale Nora Hopper 158
XVIII. De Profundis S. Cornish Watkins 167
XIX. A Study in Sentimentality Hubert Crackanthorpe 175
XX. George Meredith Morton Fullerton 210
XXI. Jeanne-Marie Leila Macdonald 215
XXII. Parson Herrick's Muse C. W. Dalmon 241
XXIII. A Note on George the Fourth Max Beerbohm 247
XXIV. The Ballad of a Nun John Davidson 273

Art The Yellow Book—Vol. III.—October, 1894