Page:The Yellow Fairy Book (1894).djvu/18

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The Swineherd takes the Ten Kisses Frontispiece
The Six Brothers changed into Swans by their Stepmother To face page 8
The Witch-maiden sees the Young Man under a Tree To face page 12
‘Here you shall remain chained up until you die’ To face page 20
The Prince throws the Apple to the Princess To face page 30
The Iron Stove To face page 32
‘Standing in the doorway a charming maiden at whose sight his mind seemed to give way’ To face page 58
The Seven-headed Serpent To face page 62
The Mirror of the Present To face page 84
Prince Gnome learns the Name of his Rival at the Golden Fountain To face page 88
The Black Girl stops the Witch with a Bit of the Rock To face page 144
Militza and her Maidens in the Garden To face page 168
Iwanich casts the Fish into the Water To face page 172
‘In winter, when everything is dead, she must come and live with me in my palace underground’ To face page 196
Simpleton's Army appears before the King To face page 204
The Snow Maiden To face page 206
‘Gee up, my five horses’ To face page 226
The Swineherd takes the Ten Kisses To face page 250
The Irishman arrives at the Blue Mountains To face page 262
The Witch comes on Board To face page 274
Sigurd hews the Chain asunder To face page 276
The King finds the Queen of Hetland To face page 302