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"It's lucky for you that you didn't shoot Doxie," cried the head keeper. "You would have been a couple of hundred out of pocket."

"That reminds me," put in Andy. "Who is going to pay for that smashed show window and the ruined goods?"

At this the faces of the two keepers fell. The brown bear had been in their keeping, and they knew that the proprietor of the circus would hold them responsible for any damage done.

"Well, that is not our fault," returned the head keeper blandly. "I reckon you will have to bear the loss yourselves."

"Indeed, not!" cried Matt. "The owner of this bear will pay every cent."

"Well, go on and see him, then," returned the keeper curtly, and throwing a chain over the bear's head, he started to lead the animal away.

"Hold on," said Andy quietly but firmly. "You will not take that bear away until this matter is settled. Matt, see if you can find a policeman."

A policeman was close at hand, and he was at once summoned. A long altercation followed, in which the keepers tried to disown any responsibility in the matter.

"Whom does the bear belong to?" questioned Andy at last.