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It was not long before the houses of High Bridge appeared in sight. At the first place the young auctioneer asked for directions to the hotel, and here he had the wagon and horse safely stabled, and then went to the room which had been assigned to him to change every article of clothing he wore.

He had ordered a hot meal to be served, and when he came down he found the table spread for him.

"Got caught in the shower, eh?" questioned the hotel-keeper, as Matt sat down.

"Yes, indeed," returned the boy, and he related the particulars of his adventures while eating, not forgetting to mention the three tramps.

"Those three rascals have been bothering folks around here for quite a bit," remarked the hotel-keeper after he had finished. "The constable is after 'em now, but I don't think he'll catch 'em, for they slide around from place to place. You can bet on it that they are miles away from that shanty by this time."

"Well, I trust that I never fall in with them again," returned Matt with a slight shudder.

"Going to hold an auction?" went on the hotel-keeper curiously.

"That's what I expect to do. I would like to find