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the farmer's wife wished a hat-pin, and gladly took one out of their stock instead.

When they arrived in Phillipsburg they found that their new goods from New York had not yet arrived, but were told that the cases would probably come in on the afternoon freight. After this they started to find a vacant store. Strange to say, there was none to be had which would suit their purpose. There were several large places vacant, but all of them were on side streets, and these they declined to hire.

"We'll have to sell direct from the wagon," said Andy. "Perhaps we'll do just as well."

They found a good corner, and after paying a license fee and getting a square meal, opened up for business. Hardly anything was done during the afternoon, but toward evening trade picked up, and when they finally dismissed the crowd they found they had taken in seventeen dollars.

"And that's pretty good, considering that we are out of many of our best sellers," was Andy's comment. "We must go around to the freight house the first thing in the morning and stock up again."

"I see by the posters that there is to be a big firemen's parade in Easton day after to-morrow," said Matt. "Would it not be a good idea to locate there just before it comes off?"