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The agent was doubtful about this, and rubbed his chin reflectively.

"I might drive on till I got to a bridge, or turn back to one," he suggested.

"That would take too long," returned Matt's partner impatiently. "We must 'strike while the iron is hot,' as the saying is."

"Come on!" shouted Matt from the island. "Come straight over and you will be all right."

"Well, we can make the venture, but I am a bit shaky over it," said the freight agent, and with a face full of the concern he felt for his turn-out he headed his trotter toward the water.

At first the horse was inclined to shy to one side. He pranced up and down a bit and dug into the sand and loose stones with his hoofs.

"You can see he don't want to go," said the driver. "I really think we had better find a bridge."

"Oh, nonsense! give me the reins!" returned Andy sharply, seeing that the fellow was altogether too easily frightened. "I will take him over safely."

"Don't be too sure!" cried the agent in alarm. "He will break at the least little thing!"

But Andy would not listen to him further. He