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gain for the sale of the turn-out and stock. The whole scheme was one of the corn doctor to get possession of their belongings.

"See here, Barberry, there is no use for you to talk in this fashion," went on Matt, as calmly as he could, although he was worked up to the top notch of excitement. "You know very well that you are asserting that which is not true. The outfit belongs to us, and you haven't the shadow of an interest in it. You stole it from the Phillipsburg freight depot, and——"

"Stop that!" blustered the corn salve doctor. "How dare you call me a thief, boy?"

"That is what you are, and nothing less. If you——"

"Do you hear that, fellows?" interrupted Barberry, turning to the two men.

"You want to keep a civil tongue in your head, boy!" cried one of the men sharply. "Calling a man a thief is a serious business."

"And being a thief is still more serious," replied Andy. "Perhaps you fancy you can bluff us, as the saying is, but you are mistaken. This turn-out is ours, and we are here to claim it. If you molest us in the least we will hand you all over to the police."

"We can stand up for ourselves," returned the