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glass is worth at least a dollar, and unless it is paid for, somebody will be handed over to the police."

"Huh! do yo' fink yo' kin scare as, boss?"

"Yo' say another word an' we'll do up de hull place!"

"We is as good as any white trash, remember dat!"

In the meantime one of the colored men slid his hand into the show-case which had been damaged, and essayed to grab a small box of watch-chains which rested close by. Matt saw the movement, slick as it was, just in time, and springing forward he caught the colored man by the arm.

"Drop that box!" he cried sternly.

"Oh, I wasn't gwine to take de box," returned the would-be offender. "I was jess gwine to look at yo' stock. How much is dem chains worth?"

"I am not selling chains to you to-night," returned Matt.

He had hardly spoken when Andy leaned over his shoulder and whispered into his ear:

"Talk to them for a few minutes, and I'll slip out and notify the police. Treat them well until I get back."

And the next instant Matt's partner had disappeared into the crowd, without any of the colored men noticing his departure.