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"He won't come!" gasped Andy, tugging at the bridle with might and main.

"But he must come! The wagon will go down in another second!"

"I can't help it, I can't make him come," panted Andy, between his clinched teeth, as he renewed the struggle to bring the wagon up on the level once more.

Tying the lines fast, Matt sprang out. He had seen a loose stone of fair size close at hand, and this he now picked up. Running around to the rear of the wagon, he placed it on the sloping ground so that one of the wheels was blocked from further slipping.

"Good!" cried Andy. "Can you find another stone?"

"I'm going to push on the other wheel. Get up, Billy, get up there!"

Matt placed his shoulder to the wheel, and exerted all of his strength, and seeing this, Andy also urged the horse. Billy gave a tug—there was a moment's strain—and then the turn-out rolled up once more upon the level road.

"Thank goodness for that!" burst out Andy. "I thought for a moment that it was a goner!"

"So did I, Andy. You had better lead him until we reach a safer bit of the road."