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spot from which the music could float out of the door, they played several of their best selections.

The music pleased many people. They stopped listening to Gissem, and after some hesitation several came in. More followed, and seeing this, Matt and Andy kept on until the store was once more filled.

Then Matt began to talk. He made no wild statements, but in an earnest manner told what they had to sell, and asked those around him to examine the goods carefully.

"That fellow next door said to beware of rival concerns," remarked a man in the crowd slyly, and several smiled at the words.

"Well, I take it that people are bright enough to know what they are doing," returned Matt. "We are too busy to talk about our neighbors. We are here to show what we have and sell goods—if we can. We do not misrepresent, and if any one is dissatisfied with his purchase he can return it and get his money back. Isn't that fair enough?"

"I reckon it is."

"We carry a large stock, as you can see, and we sell everything for what it is."

"Let me see those spoons, will you?" questioned a man standing beside the one talking to Matt.

"Certainly, sir," and the young auctioneer handed over several samples.