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left behind him Matt was able to secure three-fourths of the rightful shares of mining stock for his father. These shares had gone up in value and were found to be worth close on to fifty-eight thousand dollars. To Matt, who, in his wanderings around, had learned the true value of money, it seemed a fortune.

"You won't want any more of the auction business," said Andy. "You will have your hands full taking care of that money and your father."

"Yes, I guess my days as a young auctioneer are over," returned Matt. "I want to get a better education if possible, and thus fit myself for something higher in life."

"What about your share in the business? I can't buy it out just yet."

"I have talked it over with father, Andy, and I have decided to make you a present of it. You deserve it, for ever since we met you have been a real brother to me. Make what you can out of the business, and if you ever get in a tight corner don't hesitate to come to me, and I will do what I can for you."

Andy demurred at Matt's generosity, but was finally persuaded to accept the gift. He settled in Middletown for the winter and did very well. In the spring he started on his travels again, and by