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"I'll show Andrew that I mean to be on time," he thought to himself, as he turned into the street upon which the stable was situated.

Suddenly he saw a crowd running up from the block below. There were at least a dozen men and boys, some of whom were shouting at the top of their lungs:

"Fire! fire!"

"Fire!" repeated Matt quickly. "I wonder where it can be?"

But hardly had he uttered the words than, happening to glance toward the stable in which their turnout was located, he saw a thick volume of smoke come pouring out of several of the upper windows.

"My gracious!" he gasped, his face blanching. "It's that stable, and our horse and wagon with the stock still inside!"

"That place is doomed!" said a man beside Matt. "See how the fire is gaining headway! They won't be able to save a single horse or anything else!"