Page:The Zankiwank & the Bletherwitch (IA zankiwankblether00fitziala).pdf/195

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and the Bletherwitch
which he carried by straps over his shoulders, and was prepared to give anybody a dose of physic without the slightest provocation at double charges.

“There is danger ahead,” he whispered to the Zankiwank, “and a lot of visitors are coming to fight to the bitter end.”

“Tell me their names,” cried the Zankiwank excitedly, Whereupon, Dr Pampleton recited them as follows, the Zankiwank groaning as each cognomen was uttered:

“The Wollypog” (groan)
“The Fustilug” (groan)
“What’s-His-Name” (groan)
“Thing’um-a-Bob” (groan)


“The Woogabblewabble Bogglewoggle and all his Court.”

The last was too much for the Zankiwank, for he immediately climbed to the top of the tallest steeple in the town, saying with much discretion:—