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you, of the War Intelligence Department and the Special Branch of Scotland Yard, have the facts before you—plain facts—the disappearance of Lady Lethmere's daughter. When her whereabouts is ascertained then the remainder of the inquiry is surely quite easy. I am not an investigator,' I added with biting sarcasm. 'I'm only an inventor, and I leave it to you both to discover why Miss Lethmere disappeared.'

'You apparently have invented something of which the enemy is determined, at all hazards, to learn the truth,' remarked Inspector Barton.

I laughed, and slowly took a cigarette from my case.

'They will never know that,' I declared with entire confidence. 'I can tell you both that the secret experiments of Ashton and myself have been crowned with success. We have, however, been most wary and watchful. We are well aware that at our works out at Gunnersbury there have been intruders, but those who have dared to enter at night to try and discover our plans have been entirely misled and, up to the present, no single person beyond ourselves has ever seen, or has ever gained any knowledge whatsoever of that electrical arrangement which constitutes our discovery.'

'Then you really can fight Zeppelins?' asked Barton, much interested.

I nodded in the affirmative, and smiled.

'So what is written here in cipher is perfectly correct?' asked Pollock.

'Perfectly. The missing lady has actively assisted Mr. Ashton and myself in our experiments.'