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Old Theed, the stalwart ex-police officer, was greatly excited.

'Just before half-past eight, my son having gone in the car over to Horsham to see his young lady, and afterwards to pick up Mr. Ashton, I was sitting in the kitchen with Mulliner,' he said. 'Suddenly I thought I heard footsteps out in the yard. I listened for a few moments and then I heard, quite distinctly, a curious sawing noise. I went silently out by the front door and was just creeping round the corner of the house, when the figure of a man—who was evidently on the watch—suddenly sprang from the shadow. I was seized by the collar, and the next I knew was that a handkerchief was stuffed into my mouth and a rope tied round my arms and legs. I tried to cry out, but I could not. I was trussed like a fowl. My assailants were two men, and pretty tough ones they were, too!'

'Mulliner was in the house—eh?' asked Roseye.

'Yes, miss. They flung me down into the garden yonder, up against those rose-bushes, and then went