Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 1 (1843).djvu/191

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an oblique line from the tegulæ to the collar, a spot under each wing, two on the scutellum, with a narrow line under each, yellow; all the femora black, yellow towards their apex; all the tibiae yellow, with generally a rufous or black spot behind the anterior and intermediate; terminal joints of the tarsi ferruginous. Abdomen yellow, with a black band at the base of all the segments, the first band dentate in the centre, the rest with a black dot on each side, sometimes separate and sometimes united to one, two, or all the bands, forming dentations. Length 10 lines.

Sometimes the first segment has three triangular spots at its base, the central one being the largest, and the remaining segments have a black band, with separated or united spots. This variety is the Vespa germanica of Panzer. In some individuals the basal band is slightly interrupted, forming an intermediate variety.

Neuter.—Length 5½ to 7 lines. Head precisely as in the female, admitting of the same variations in the markings on the clypeus. The thorax is the same as in the female, with the addition of two large ovate spots on the post-scutellum, making six, the two upper and the two lower being largest. The legs as in the female. The abdomen varies greatly in its markings. Var. 1. has three spots at the base of the first segment, a black band dentate in the centre at the base of the other segments, with a separated black dot on each side. Var. 2. has the three spots on the first, and the black dots united to the bands, forming dentations on the remaining segments. Var. 3. has a black band, dentate in the centre, at the base of the first segment, the rest with tridentate bands. Other intermediate varieties will be found, but the three described are those usually met with.

The Male is 7–8½ lines in length. It varies greatly. Var. 1. is the Vespa saxonica of Linn. Fab. and Panzer. Head black, clypeus yellow, with a black line down the centre having an anchor-shaped termination, or with a simple line, or three spots placed at right angles; a crown-shaped spot at the base of the antennae, with sometimes a small black dot in the centre; a line on each side of the eyes yellow; the mandibles are yellow, their tips black; antennae with the scape yellow in front. Thorax black, a line from the tegulae to the collar, a spot under each wing, two on the scutellum, with a narrow line under each, yellow. Legs yellow, with the basal half of the thighs black. The abdomen has a black band, dentate in the centre, at the base of the first segment, the rest have a broad tridentate band at their base, except the apical one, which is unidentate. Var. 2. Head and thorax same as in var. 1. The abdomen has a black band

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