Page:The Zoologist, 1st series, vol 1 (1843).djvu/298

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Cicindela sylvatica. In great profusion on Man ton common, near Brigg, where in one morning I took upwards of fifty specimens.

Lamprias chlorocephalus. Grassy meadows on the banks of the Trent, where, however, it is far from common.

Leistus rufescens. Abundant in damp woods near Gainsborough.

Pterostichus oblongo-punctatus. One specimen in Lee wood.

Nitidula obsoleta. In the greatest profusion in Lee wood, where, on a single fungus, 1 might have taken several hundred specimens, on the 20th of June, with Engis rufifrons.

Hylesinus scaber. A pair on an ash tree at Spridlington near Lincoln.

Cis Boleti. Gate-Burton wood, not com.

Byrrhus sericeus. Extremely abundant on Scotton and Manby commons, June 23 and 24, where I found it dead on the sand-hills.

Aplotarsus testaceus. Captured twenty-five specimens in a meadow on the banks of the Trent at Knaith, where I might have captured several hundred. It appears to be most abundant in the evening, and is very local. June 17, 19, 20.

Ctenicerus metallicus. With the former insect, but much rarer.

Sericosomus fugax. Swept a single specimen from the fern on Scotton common, June 23.

Campylus linearis. Rather plentiful in Lee and Gate-Burton woods.

Gymnaëtron Veronicæ, Germ. Knaith, rather common.

Hypera arator. Gate-Burton wd. June 21.

Nedyus Chrysanthemi, assimilis and margiginatus. Very abundant in damp meadows on the banks of the Trent, June 17—23.

Apion affine. In the same locality as the above, but far more uncommon.

Barynotus Mercurialis. Apparently a common species throughout the whole district, especially on the sand hills on Manton common nr. Brigg, and in the neighbourhood of Gainsborough.

Philopedon exaratus. With the above; I took it (dead) in profusion on the sand hills, June 24.

Dorytomus vorax. Very plentiful near the site of the old Swann pool, Lincoln, June 6 and 28.

Cleonus nebulosus. A single specimen nr. Scotter, June 23.

Grypidius Equiseti. One specimen from the Swann-pool, Lincoln, June 6.

Tetrops præusta. Took a few specimens off the flowers of the whitethorn, at Spridlington.

Leptura sex-guttata. A single specimen from off a bramble-blossom in Scawby wood, June 24, in which locality I have seen upwards of a dozen specimens captured.

Grammoptera ruficornis. In the utmost profusion throughout the whole northern part of the county.

Cassida sanguinolenta. Brushed a single specimen into my net from off a willow near the banks of the Trent.—This is the only instance of this insect having been taken in this part of Lincolnshire that I have heard of.

Pachyta livida. Very scarce this season, although three years ago I captured it in the greatest profusion throughout the whole neighbourhood, especially near Gainsborough, where I have not taken one this summer.

Luperus rufipes. Abundant at Spridlington, June 7—15.

Notoxus monoceros. Captured a single specimen on Scotton common, June 23.

Chilocorus 4-verrucatus. Not uncommon 1 at Spridlington.

Coccinella hieroglyphica. Took one specimen (flying) on Scotton common, June 23.

Amongst other rarities which have been taken in this locality, although not captured