Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/10

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On the return of the English Arctic Expedition, in November, 1876, several correspondents wrote to express a hope that some account of the Zoology of the voyage might appear in the pages of this Magazine, and it was with great satisfaction that the Editor was able to prevail on Captain Feilden, Naturalist to the Expedition, to give the readers of 'The Zoologist' his "Notes from an Arctic Journal," which are replete with interest and information. These will be continued in succeeding numbers.

On the subject of Provincial Names of Animals, the Editor feels that his thanks are due to the many contributors who, in response to his invitation, have favoured him with local lists, and other information. It is proposed at some future time to amalga- mate the lists received, as well those which have appeared as those which are still unpublished, in a way which it is hoped will render them useful alike to naturalists and philologists. The non- appearance for the present of further lists of the kind need not deter those who may have collected any provincial names from forwarding them at their leisure.

The Editor feels that his obligations to contributors would not be discharged without some acknowledgment to those gentlemen who, at a sacrifice of valuable time, have furnished him with Reports of the Meetings of Scientific Societies during the year, and his thanks are accordingly tendered to the Secretaries of the Linnean, Zoological, and Entomological Societies, for their respective periodical communications. These Reports are especially acceptable to those readers of 'The Zoologist,' who, residing at a distance from the metropolis, are prevented from personally attending the Meetings.

While thanking his other contributors for the many inte- resting communications with which he has been favoured during the past year, the Editor is encouraged to hope that he may rely upon a continuance of their friendly aid.

1st December, 1878.