Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/117

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By Howard Saunders, F.L.S., F.Z.S.

During a recent residence of some months in France I endeavoured to compile a list of the various treatises upon the provincial and local Ornithology of the country; and the present is a Catalogue of all the published works on the subject of whose existence I am aware. It should be borne in mind that it embraces only works relating to France (including Alsace and Lorraine), and makes no pretension to being a catalogue of French ornithological literature. For a knowledge of many of the minor treatises I am indebted to my friend M. Clement, of Nimes, and I think that some of my readers will be surprised at the number of works which have been published in France on the subject of Ornithology.

The question of arrangement presented considerable difficulty, for few Englishmen know where many of the smaller Departments are situated; but as the great point is to be able to refer to the authorities upon the district respecting which information is required, I have taken the old Provinces as a basis, and commencing with the Département du Nord, in the Province of Flandre, working round by the coast, west and south, as far as the Pyrenees; thence eastward and north, bringing in the central and composite Departments in the way which seemed most practicable.

To facilitate reference, the names of the Departments, and occasionally those of the places of publication, where the latter are better known to the English reader, are printed in italics.

De Norquet; Catalogue des Oiseaux du Nord. (Extrait des Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts de Lille. 1865.)

Demarle; Tab. des Oiseaux observes dans le Boulonais. (Precis de l'Hist. Phys., &c, de Boulogne-sur-Mer et ses environs, torn. i. & ii. Boulogne, 1854.)

Baillon; Catalogue de Mamiferes, Oiseaux, Reptiles et Poissons des environs d'Abbeville (Somme), 1833.

Marcatte; Les Animaux Vertebres des environs dAbbeville, I860, 8vo.

Hardy; Catalogue des Oiseaux observes dans la Seine-inferieure. (Annuaire de l'Association Normande pour 1841.)