Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/56

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Zoological Society of London.

November 20, 1877.—Professor Flower, F.R.S., Vice-President, in the chair.

The Secretary read a report on the additions that had been made to the Society's Menagerie daring the month of October, 1877, and called special attention to a Layard's Flying Squirrel, Sciuropterus Layardi, presented by Sir Charles Peter Layard, October 8th, and to a pair of East African Buffaloes (Bubalus æquinoctialis), purchased 27th October.

Mr, Howard Saunders exhibited a specimen of the rare Aleutian Tern, Sterna aleutica, from Alaska, and made remarks upon its intermediate position between typical Sterna and the group of Sooty Terns (Onychoprion).

A communication was read from the Marquis of Tweeddale, containing an account of a collection of birds made by Mr. A. H. Everett in the Island of Zebu, Philippines. Six new species were found in tliis collection, and were named Oriolus assiniilis, Phyllornis flavipennis, Zosterops Everetti, Prionochilus quadricolor, Turnix nigrescens and Megapodius pusillus.

Three communications were read from Dr. O. Finsch. The first contained a report on a collection of birds made at Eua, Friendly Islands, by Mr. F. Hübner, which had increased our knowledge of the avifauna of Eua, from four to twenty-four species. The second contained a description of a collection of birds made on the Island of Pouapé, Eastern Carolinas, by Mr. J. Kubary. The total number of species known at present from Ponapé was stated to be twenty-nine, of which seven were peculiar to the Island. The third contained a list of the birds obtained at Ninafou Island in the Pacific, by Mr. F. Hübner. This collection raised the number of the known birds of this island from one to twenty.

Prof. Garrod read notes on the Tænia of the Rhinoceros of the Suuderbunds, Plagiotænia gigantea; on the anatomy of the Chinese Water Deer, Hydropates inermis; on the possible cause of the death of a young Seal; and on the occurrence of a gall-bladder in certain species of Parrots.

Mr. Howard Saunders read a paper on the Laridæ, collected during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Challenger,' which comprised nine species of Sterna, five of Laridæ, and three of Stercorarinæ, altogether seventeen species, represented by forty-seven specimens; several of these were very rare in Museums, although none of them were absolutely new to science.

A communication was read from Dr. A.B. Meyer, containing some additional proofs of the fact that the Red Eclecti are the females of the Green species of that genus.

A paper was read by Mr. G. French Augas, containing "Notes on Helix sepulchralis of Ferrusac and its allies, with Descriptions of two new Species."