Page:The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol 2 (1878).djvu/85

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In a second paper Prof. Garrod described the extraordinary structure of the gizzard of the Fijian Fruit Pigeon, Carpophaga latrans, in connection with the fruit on which it feeds, that of Oncocarpus vitiensis.

A communication was read from Mr. Edgar A. Smith, containing the description of a new species of Helix from Japan, which he proposed to call Helix (Camena) congener.

A communication was read from the Marquis of Tweeddale, containing an account of a collection of birds made by Mr. H. Everett in the Philippine Islands of Dinagat, Bazol, Nipak and Sakeryok. Six new species were named Ceyx argentata, Hypothymis calestis, Mixornis capitalis, Dicaum schistaceum, D. Everetti, and Prionochilus olivaceus.

A second paper by the Marquis of Tweeddale gave the description of a new genus and species of bird from the Philippine Island of Negros, for which the name Dasycrotapha speciosa was proposed.—P.L. Sclater, Secretary.

Entomological Society of London.

Annual Meeting, January 16, 1878.—Professor J.O. Westwood, M.A., F.L.S., President, in the chair.

An abstract of the Treasurer's Accounts for 1877 was read by Mr. J. W. Dunning, one of the Auditors, showing a balance of £9 18s. in favour of the Society.

The Secretary read the Report of the Council for 1877.

An Address was then delivered by the President.

Prof. J. Wood-Mason and Mr. S. Stevens were appointed scrutineers.

The following Members of Council were elected for 1878:— H. W. Bates, G.C. Champion, J. W. Douglas, Rev. A.E. Eaton, F. Grut, R. Meldola, E. Saunders, J. Jenner Weir, Prof. J.O. Westwood, W. L. Distant, E.A. Fitch, G. Lewis, and F. Smith.

The following officers were subsequently elected:—President, H.W. Bates, F.L.S., F.Z.S.; Treasurer, J. Jenner Weir; Secretaries, R. Meldola and W.L. Distant; Librarian, F. Grut.

Mr. M'Lachlan proposed a cordial vote of thanks to the President, which was seconded by Mr. S. Stevens, and carried unanimously. A vote of thanks to the Officers and Council was proposed by Mr. Dunning, seconded by Mr. Fenn, and also carried unanimously.—R. Meldola, Hon. Sec.