Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/275

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10th.—Flocks of Knots to the south.

11th.—Ring Ouzel and two Redwings caught against lantern.

13th.—Several Starlings, Chaffinches, and Snow Buntings. Five Starlings and three Larks captured.

15th.—First appearance of the Woodcock. Snipe killed against light.

17th.—Hundreds of birds around lantern from one to five a.m. Wind N.E. and drizzling rain. Nine dozen captured, including Lapwings, Ring Ouzels, Fieldfares, Starlings, Blackbirds, Redwings, and Chaffinches. Several Woodcocks shot on dunes in the morning. At 10.45 p.m. a Golden-crested Wren flew against lantern.


7th.—Large numbers of birds about lantern from seven to nine p.m.—Curlews, Golden Plovers, Oystercatchers, and Larks. Seven Larks and one Golden Plover caught. Wind W., thick, rain.

13th.—4 a.m., two Blackbirds, two Starlings, and one Knot killed against lantern.

19th.—A large number of birds were flying about the light from dark to dawn of the 20th. Wind S.E., strong (6), overcast, misty and drizzling rain (O.M.R.). Caught four Lapwings, one Golden Plover, ten Starlings, and two Stints; a great number also were picked up at foot of tower, killed after striking lantern.

20th.—Flock of Lapwings flying round lantern, but none struck. Weather overcast; S.E., moderate gale (7).

29th.—A Golden Plover killed at 2 a.m. Wind S.E. fresh (5), overcast, misty and rain.


11th.—A large number of Knots flying round all night to daylight of the 12th. Wind S.W., gentle breeze (3), overcast, misty and rain, fog at times. Caught two Knots; one Dunlin killed against lantern.

12th.—At 4.30 a.m. a large bird struck the lantern and fell with a heavy thud to the ground; it was found dead in the morning some distance from the tower, and proved to be a Coot. Wind S.W., gentle breeze (3), fog. A female Wigeon was also picked up at foot of tower.

18th.— 4 a.m. Titlark caught against lantern. Wind E. light (2), overcast but clear.

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