Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 1 (1897).djvu/376

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friends who fish the lake every season in May and June, and who are well acquainted with the Yellow Wagtail in England. If it frequented the shores or islands of the lake it could not long elude the notice of those so well acquainted with the bird in its English haunts.

As the Grey Wagtail, M. melanope, is commonly known in Ireland as the "Yellow Wagtail," many mistakes are made in confusing the two species, and I have often been told of the Yellow Wagtail nesting in certain localities; but on further enquiry as to where the nests were found, the description of the sites always proved the nests to be those of the Grey Wagtail.

Addendum.—Last June my friend Mr. R.J. Ussher, when exploring the lower end of Lough Corrib between Oughterarde and Galway, met this bird distributed amongst the islands, showing that its haunts were all about the lake, and extended through the three lakes Carra, Mask, and Corrib without break.—R.W.