Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 2 (1898).djvu/121

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Wild Traits in Tame Animals; being some Familiar Studies in Evolution. By Louis Robinson, M.D., &c.William Blackwood & Sons.

It is in such books as these that we recognize the vast influence exercised by Darwinism in the direction of zoological study. In endeavours to trace back the habits of animals to antecedent factors in the struggle for existence, which have received the imprimatur of natural selection, we often seem to meet teleology under a new name, like Pagan customs under more modern creeds. In fact, the evolutionary Dr. Pangloss proclaiming that this is the very best possible system of nature, and that Natural Selection tells us all about it, is not uncommon. On the other hand, there is a quiet undercurrent pervading all zoological work which is the strength of the new teaching, which finds that Darwin's key opens most locks, though not necessarily all, and that patient skill and observation and not forensic sledgehammers are needful at the still closed gates.

These prefatory remarks are necessary to introduce the contents of this most interesting and suggestive book, and to indicate the philosophical conception which has evidently prompted the composition of every page. Dr. Robinson is an observer, and many of our readers and contributors will appreciate the remark that "most of the future discoveries of great moment to the naturalist will be made, not in the remote and minute ramifications of science such as are occupying the attention of so many of our learned investigators, but among the everyday phenomena which are open to the eyes of all." Some may likewise possibly agree with the remark that "there seems also a tendency on the part of a larger number of professional naturalists to assume quasi-manorial rights in certain regions of nature's kingdom."

In our author's suggestions as to the "wild traits in tame animals" and his theories thereon, it must be remembered, as we once heard the late Prof. Rolleston remark, that not every shot hits the bull's-eye; and we might add that whilst unproven