Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 2 (1898).djvu/270

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number of important deaths has been rather larger than usual. No fewer thau six anthropoid Apes have died, viz. a Chimpanzee, two Orangs, and three Hoolock Gibbons. Among the larger Carnivora there have been also some losses. A young Tiger, two Cheetahs, two young Lions, and the Snow Leopard are among the most important of these. As an instance of longevity in confinement may be mentioned the Amphiuma, which was acquired in 1870, having thus lived twenty-seven years in the Gardens. A Reticulated Python, which was supposed to be the largest ever exhibited, had been at the time of its death twenty years in the Gardens. Two Burchell's Zebras, mother and foal, a White-bellied Pangolin, an Apteryx, and a Hyrax complete the list of the more noteworthy deaths during the year.

The number of animals belonging to the first three classes of Vertebrates living in the Society's Menagerie at the close of 1897 was 2585, consisting of 792 mammals, 1362 birds, and 431 reptiles; The corresponding number on Dec. 31st, 1896, was 2473. The total number of registered additions to the Menagerie in 1897 was 1508, of which 688 were acquired by presentation, 278 by purchase, 104 were bred in the gardens, 330 were received on deposit, and 108 obtained in exchange. The total number of visitors to the Society's Gardens in 1897 was 717,755, showing an increase of 52,751 as compared with the corresponding number in 1896. The Diamond Jubilee, as well as the fine weather, no doubt combined to contribute to this result. No such large number of visitors has entered the Society '8 gates since the year 1884.

The quantity and nature of the food required for the animals in the Society's Gardens are shown by the subjoined table:—

Provisions consumed in the Society's Menagerie during 1897.
Clover 126¼ loads Biscuits 295 cwt.
Hay 133½ loads Bread 6081 qtn.
Straw 215¾ loads Milk 4914 qt.
Oats 144 qr. Eggs 26,404
Wheat 44 qr. Horses 225
Beans 4¾ qr. Goats 236
Maize 70 qr. Flounders 2190 lb.
Bran 294 qr. Whitings 21,360 lb.
Canary 18 qr. Rough Fish 1016 lb.
Hemp 11 qr. Shrimps 1248 qt.
Rape 1 qr. Fowl-heads 9380
Millet qr. Greens 4280 bunches
Barley 27¼ qr. Onions 5¾ bush.
Buckwheat qr. Cress 3650 bunches
Rice 76 cwt. Nuts 26½ pecks
Oil-cake 43 cwt. Lettuce 502 score
Mawseed 35 lb. Apples 154 bush.
Ground Nuts 39 cwt. Pears 40 bush.
Barley Meal 56 1b. Grapes 1032 lb.