Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 2 (1898).djvu/379

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1st.—A lot of Crows flying south; several Thrushes about dunes, and also striking.

5th.—A few Starlings struck. Dark, and drizzling rain.

20th.—Stormy Petrel caught on lantern gallery. W., dark and misty. Flock of Geese seen flying south during day.

21st.—Flock of Ducks to south.

24th.—An immense number of Knots flying south. A large number of birds flying around the light—Knots, Golden, Grey, and Green Plovers, Woodcocks, Snipes, Starlings, and Thrushes; many killed by striking. S., night dark and clear, with frequent showers of drizzle.

25th.—Several Woodcocks shot amongst dunes.

26th, 7 p.m.—A Knot struck and was killed.

29th.—Several Geese about; one shot. {{dhr}


7th.—Two flights of Stock Doves to the south during day. (These would probably be King Doves, Columba palumbus.—J.C.)

11th.—During the week large numbers of Books to south.

24th.—Large flock of Ducks to south.

26th, 5 a.m.—Sanderling struck and killed. {{dhr}

January, 1898.

12th.— Knots, Curlews, and Plovers flying around light. S.S.W. (2), overcast, misty.

13th.—Gulls, Wigeons, Knots, and Plovers flying around light. S.W. (2), overcast, misty.

14th.—Larks and Starlings around light; Sanderling killed. W.S.W. (2), overcast.

15th.—The same. {{dhr}


11th.—Starlings and Larks striking lantern. S.E. (3), overcast.

13th, 1 until 2.30 a.m.—Starlings, Curlews, Lapwings, and Sanderlings around light. Overcast, misty.

16th.—Starlings and Larks around light.

17th.—The same.

22nd, 1 to 3 a.m.—Starlings and Larks striking.

24th, 4 a.m.—A few Starlings flying round; Gold-crested Wren struck and killed.