Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 2 (1898).djvu/568

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The Technical Names of British Mammals, Oldfield Thomas, F.Z.S., 97.

On Sexual Differences in the Feathering of the Wing of the Sky Lark (Alauda arvensis), Arthur G. Butler, Ph.D., &c, 104.

Ornithological Notes from Norfolk for 1897, J. H. Gurney, F.L.S., 106.

A hitherto overlooked British Bird, Ernst Hartert, 116.

Notes on British Annelids, Rev. Hilderic Friend, 119.

Notes and Queries:—

Mammalia. — Stoats turning White in Winter, G. E. H. Barrett-Hamilton, 122.

Polecats in Suffolk ; Black Water Vole in Suffolk ; Julian G. Tuck, 122. Aves. — Tree Pipit in January, W. Warde Fowler, 122. Early nesting of the House Sparrow in the present mild Season, H.S.B. Goldsmith, 123. The Brambling in Hants, G.B. Corbin, 123. Abundance of Crossbills in the Severn Valley, R. H. Ramsbotham, 124. Rooks and Buttercup Bulbs, W. Warde Fowler, 124. Rough-legged Buzzard near Ringwood, G.B. Corbin, 124. Nesting of the Hobby in Hants, G.B. Corbin, 125. Little Bustard in Norfolk, Lieut.-Col. E.A. Butler, 125. Varieties of the Red Grouse, Rev. H.A. Macpherson, 125. Ornithological Notes from Mid Hants : Autumn and Winter, 1897, G.W. Smith, 126.

Pisces. — Malformed Codfish, A. Patterson, 130.
Crustacea. — The Struggle for Existence among Hermit Crabs, P. Rufford, 131.

Notices of New Books, 132-137.

Editorial Gleanings, 138-144.

All Articles and Communications intended for publication, and Books and Pamphlets for review, should be addressed "The Editor of 'The Zoologist' c/o West, Newman & Co., 54, Hatton Garden, London;" or direct to the Editor, W.L. Distant, Westbourne Terrace, Lower Addiscombe, Surrey.

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