Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 4 (1900).djvu/66

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An Account of the Deep-Sea Brachyura, and a Descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Deep-Sea Fishes collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey Ship 'Investigator.' By A. Alcock, M.B., C.M.Z.S., &c.Calcutta: Printed by order of the Trustees of the Indian Museum.

Both these publications relate to the good work done on board the 'Investigator,' a small paddle-steamer of 580 tons, which since 1885 has yearly contributed the results of deep-sea dredgings to the Indian Museum.

The Brachyura number fifty-three species belonging to thirty-eight genera, and, with two exceptions, have all been obtained from depths of over one hundred fathoms. Although the list furnishes no "theory of geographical distribution," yet Dr. Alcock remarks:—"If, however, we regard genera and not species, the list discloses some suggestive affinities between the Brachyuran fauna of these seas and of certain parts of the Atlantic area. These affinities may, of course, be taken as merely confirmatory of current views as to the unity of the deep-sea fauna; but seeing that the Brachyura are not generally considered to belong to the true deep-sea (abyssal) fauna, I think it equally probable that they may afford evidence of a former open connection between the seas in question." The species are very fully described, and the memoir is enriched by four good plates.

The fishes included in the 'Catalogue' were all dredged by the 'Investigator' in deep water, and, excluding a few mangled remains which cannot be identified, number one hundred and sixty-nine species. They were obtained between the meridians of 65° and 99° E., and the parallels of 5° and 24° N., while no fewer than one hundred and twenty-six species "have, so far as is known, been taken only by the 'Investigator.'"

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