Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/21

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Microtus glareolus, 153

Migration of birds in Great Britain and Ireland, 117; in South Africa, 195; in N.E. Lincolnshire, 201

Miliaria projer, 11

Milvus affinis, 258; ater, 6; ictinus, 6, 71, 270, 354

Mimicry, suggested, of South African Weasel, 220; active, by Chaffinch, 223

Miolania, 120

Molge palmata, 225

Monkeys, Brazilian, names of, 238

Montifringilla nivalis, 11

Monticola cyanus, 9; saxatilis, 9

Moor-hen, 253; hairy-plumaged, 108; nesting-habits, 17, 71

Mosquitoes at Scarborough, 479

Motacilla alba, 10, 31, 117, 184, 247, 284, 404; beema, 389; campestris, 69; flava, 271; melanope, 204; lugubris, 154, 189; raii, 204, 248; sulphurea, 10

Motella tricirrata, 23

Mouse, Long-tailed Field, climbing powers, 221; De Winter's Wood, in Worcestershire, 423

Mus, alexandrinus, 153; decumanus, 153; rattus, 153; sylvaticus, 221

Muscardinus avellanarius, 68, 423, 472

Muscicapa atricapilla, 204; grisola, 8, 469

Museums—Calcutta, 198; Sarawak, 198

Mylodon listai and other South Amecan Edentata, structure of hairs of, 438

Mytilus edulis, 118

Names of British birds, 72, 109

Naturalists, Hull, bygone, 199

Neopithecops gaura, 198

Nephrops norvegicus, 23

Nest of Dormouse, building a, 68

Nesting of Long-eared Owl, 31,—Jackdaw, 70, 154,—Barn Owl, 136,—Pigmy Falcon in Upper Burma, 224,—Lesser Redpoll in Sussex, 315,—Ægialitis hiaticula in Middlesex, 389,—Marsh Warbler in Somersetshire, 472; habits, of Moor-hen, 17, 71,—Oystercatcher, Common Tern, and Common Heron in Holland, 318

Nests, compound and mixed, of American Ants, 440

Nettion castaneum, 257; crecca, 209

New South Wales, importation of destructive foreign mammals in, 237

Newt, Palmate, in Carnarvonshire, 225

Nightjar hawking May-flies, 70

Nisaëtus morphnoides, 258

Noctule, observations on, 51, 153

Nomenclature, necessity for a provisional, for forms of life which cannot be at once arranged in a natural system, 119

Norfolk, ornithological notes from, 121; Natural History of, proposed volume on, 237

Norman, George, 199

Nucifraga caryocatactes, 14, 107

Numenius arquata, 104, 189, 211; cyanopus, 257; phæopus, 104, 211, 284, 415

Nutcracker in Sussex, 107

Nutrition on sex, negative evidence regarding influence of, 118

Nyctæa scandiaca, 407

Nyctala tengmalmi, 6


Queen Victoria (to face title)
Abrahams, Joseph, 151
Bedford, F.P., 280
Bowker, Col. J.H., 399
Doherty, William, 386
Fiske, John, 279
Macpherson, Rev. H.A., 480
Ormerod, Eleanor A., LL.D. (with portrait), 310
Whitehead, Alfred, 279

Oceanodroma leucorrhoa, 299

Œdicnemus crepitans, 108; scolopax, 98

Œdemia nigra, 413; perspicellata, 282

Okapia johnstoni, 278

Oriolus galbula, 13

Orkney, Siskin in, 425

Ornithomyia avicularia, 357, 431

Ornithologists, early, 376

Osprey at Rye Harbour, 427; in Hampshire, 427

Otocorys alpestris, 11, 283

Otis tarda, 98; tetrax, 98, 270, 428

Ouzel, Ring, 250; habits, 28; at St. Leonards-on-Sea, 69

Owl, Long-eared, 251,—nesting, 31; Little, at Henley, 476

Oxypterum pallidum, 358

Oystercatcher, 253, 471

Pairing manœuvres of Pigeons, &c., 181, 270