Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/512

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Published under the Authority of the Secretary of State for India in Council.
Edited by W. T. BLANFORD. Medium 8vo. With numerous Woodcuts.

MAMMALIA. By W.T. Blanford, F.R.S. One vol. complete, price £1.

FISHES. By F. Day, C.I.E., LL.D. Two vols., price £1 each.

BIRDS. By Eugene W. Oates, F.Z.S. Vol. 1, price £1; Vol. 2, 15s.; Vols. 3 and 4, by W.T. Blanford, F.R.S., price 15s. each.

REPTILIA and BATRACHIA. By G.A. Boulenger. One vol. complete, price £1. Completion of the Vertebrates.

MOTHS. By Sir G.F. Hampson, Bart. Four vols., price £1 each.

HYMENOPTERA. Vol. 1. Wasps and Bees. By Lieut.-Col. C.T. Bingham. Price £1, with four Coloured Plates.

ARACHNIDA. By R.J. Pocock. Price 10s.

London: TAYLOR & FRANCIS, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.
Calcutta: THACKER, SPINK & CO. Bombay: THACKER & CO., Limited.
Berlin: R. FRIEDLANDER & SOHN, Carlstrasse 11.


By the Rev. W.W. Fowler, M.A., and the late Rev. A. Matthews, M.A.

Demy 8vo. For Reference, price Is.; three Copies for 2s. to allow for use as Labels.

WEST, NEWMAN & CO., 54, Hatton Garden.

BIRDSNESTING & BIRD-SKINNING. A Complete Description of the Nests and Eggs of Birds which Breed in Britain, by Edward Newman.—Second Edition, with Directions for Collecting and Preservation; a Chapter on Bird-skinning; and Description and Woodcuts of the Instruments necessary to the Collector. By Miller Christy. Cloth extra. Fcap 8vo. Price 1s.

THE INSECT HUNTER'S COMPANION. Instructions for collecting and preserving Butterflies and Moths, Beetles, Bees, Flies, &c. By the Rev. Joseph Greene, M.A.—Fourth Edition, revised and extended by A.B. Farn. The Chapter on Coleoptera by Edward Newman; on Hymenoptera by Frederick Smith; on Breeding Gall-flies by Edward A. Fitch. Where to find moths and butterflies; how to catch; how to bring home without injury; how to kill; how to set; how to find the caterpillars; how to manage; how to feed; how to breed the perfect insects; and numerous similar subjects. Price 1s.

London: WEST, NEWMAN & CO., 54, Hatton Garden.