Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/538

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Notes on the Sciuridæ (with plate), J.L. Bonhote, M.A., F.Z.S., 241.

Ornithological Notes from Surrey, John A. Bucknill, M.A., 247.

Notes from Point Cloates, N.W. Australia, Thomas Carter, 255.

Notes and Queries:

Mammalia.—Experiments in Hybridity at Pretoria, J.W.B. Gunning, 263.

:Aves.—The Winter Singing of the Song-Thrush (Turdus musicus), Charles A. Witchell, 263. The Occurrence of the Red-throated Pipit (Anthus cervinus) in Ireland, F. Coburn, 264. Rosefinch released in Devon, Frank Finn, 267. A Stronghold of the Chough, Harold Russell, 268. Hoopoe at Reigate, C.T. Bingham, 269. Spoonbills at Great Yarmouth, A. Patterson, 269. Wigeon breeding in Ireland, John Cottney, 269. Pairing Manœuvres of Pigeons, &c., Frank Finn, 270. Little Bustard in Derbyshire, W. Storrs Fox, 270. Birds in Lisbon, Harold Russell, 270. With the Birds in May, 1901, Rev. Charles W. Benson, LL.D., 272.

Reptilia.—Black Adder in South Wales, Gerald Leighton, 273.
Pisces.—Spotted Ray at Great Yarmouth, A. Patterson, 214.
Bibliography, H. Noble, 274.

Notices of New Books, 275-277.

Editorial Gleanings, 278-280.

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