Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/14

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Townsend, G.

Great Black Woodpecker, 25

Tristram, Rev. Canon H. B.

Curious accident to a Kingfisher, 68

Tuck, Rev. Julian G., M.A.

Green Woodpecker boring in winter, 67; Notes from Suffolk, 407; 'Victorian History of Suffolk,' 469

Westell, W. Percival

Little Bustard in Sussex, 70

Whitaker, J.

The Two-barred Crossbill in Nottinghamshire, 353

Williams & Son

Glossy Ibis in Ireland, 467; A curious Water-Rail, 467

Wilson, W.

Kingfisher near Aberdeen, 27; Notes from Aberdeen, 197; White Rook at Aberdeen, 232; Migrants at Aberdeen, 233; Notes on the Cuckoo in Aberdeen, 354

Wright, W.C.

Golden Eagle in Co. Donegal, 150; Ravens nesting in Co. Antrim, 194; Grasshopper-Warbler near Laine, Co. Antrim, 278

Workman, W.H., M.B.O.U.

Nesting of the Moor-hen, 27; Golden Eagle in Co. Donegal, 150; Ornithological notes from the west coast of Scotland, 423


PlateI. Rolled fragments of bone from the Burmese ferruginous conglomerate to face    321
PlateII. Seasonal changes of Addax nasomaculatus to face 362
Plate III. Anser paludosus, Strickl., and A. segetum, Gmel. to face 441
Nest of the Ringed Plover (Ægialitis hiaticula) 28
The Ground Hornbill, or Brom-Vogel (Bucorax cafer) 49
Heronry at Reedham 84
Fir-cone chipped by Picus major 95
Lynceus brachyurus, O. F. Müller 106
Nest of Fieldfare 265
Nest of Bluethroat 267
Portion of map of Yenangyoung oil-field 322
Antenna of male Monophlebus 437
West African leaf-gall 438
Anser paludosus (front view of bill) 445