Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/18

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Essex—Essex Field Club, 246
Gloucestershire—Moor-hen, 196
Hampshire—Ringed Plover, 28; Varieties of Blackbird, Thrush, and Starling, 192; Wild Duck, 195; Jay, 434; Long-eared Owl, 435; notes, 436
Herefordshire—Nutcracker, 25; Great Black Woodpecker, 25
Hertfordshire—Shoveler, 27, 68; Water-Vole, 232; Bittern, 315
Kent—Dungeness birds, 59; Song-Thrush, 193; Birds in captivity, 241; Dicranura vinula larvæ, 392; White-spotted Bluethroat, 464
Lancashire—Blackbird, 200; Sooty Tern, 355; Sea-birds and Plovers, 374
Lincolnshire—Little Owl, 112; Shore-Lark, 112; Migration of birds, 121
Middlesex—Lapwing, 29; Jay, 279; Moor-hen, 436
Norfolk—Blue-headed and Yellow Wagtails, 24; Waxwings, 25; notes, 73, 81, 390, 392; Water-Vole, 111; Saw-fish, 114; Allen's Gallinule, 150; a question of coloration, 150; White-beaked Dolphin, 390; Lesser Grey Shrike, 433
Northamptonshire—Tengmalm's Owl, 68; Condor, 194
Northumberland—Flycatcher, 193
Nottinghamshire—Two-barred Crossbill, 353
Oxfordshire—Vertebrate animals, 440
Shropshire—Dormouse, 23; Kingfisher, 149; Cuckoo, 279
Somersetshire—Marsh-Warbler, 23; Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 26; Lesser Redpoll, 66; Green Woodpecker, 313; White Wagtail, 464
Suffolk—Green Woodpecker, 67; notes, 81, 467; Helix pomatia, 151; Varieties of Fieldfare and Yellow Bunting, 467; Peregrine, 467; 'Victorian History of Suffolk,' 465
Surrey—Red Grouse, 27, 68; rare birds, 32; Water-Vole, 66; notes, 223, 305; Mole-Cricket, 233; Lesser Redpoll, 313; Wood-Warbler, 313; Yellow Wagtail, 313; Dicranura vinula larvæ, 439
Sussex—Red-throated Pipit, 25; Little Bustard, 70; Sand-Lizards, 113; Motacilla beema, 232; Moor-hen, 279; Water-Pipit, 465; Notes, 467
Warwickshire—A former heronry, 195; Grey Plover, 280; Dusky Redshank, 316; Mr. Coburn's collection of British birds, 118
Worcestershire—Ringed Plover, 316; Dusky Redshank, 316
Yorkshire—Notes, 31; Lesser Redpoll, 193

Crateropus canorus, 202

Crex pratensis, 15, 129

Cricket, Mole, in Surrey, 233

Crocopus phœnicopterus, 384

Crossbill, Two-barred, in Nottinghamshire, 353

Cuckoo in Aberdeen, note on, 354,—eggs in nest of Hawfinch, 279; Yellow -billed in Somerset, 26, 73

Cuculus canorus, 14, 127, 211, 279, 354; micropterus, 211

Culicicapa ceylonensis, 205

Cursorius coromandelicus, 387

Cyanecula leucocyanea,464; suecica, 267

Cyanocorax cyanopogon, 248

Cyanospiza ciris, 253

Cygnus musicus, 128

Cynomys ludovicianus, 183, 367

Cyornis rubeculosis, 205; superciliosis, 205

Cypselus affinis, 211; apus, 127 melba, 211

Dabchick, Indian, notes on nesting of, 300

Dafila acuta, 452

Dasypus sexcinctus, 186; villosus, 185

Deer, Père David's, in confinement, 367

Delphinus albirostris, 390

Dendrocitta rufa, 302

Dendrocopus major, 127,228; minor, 228, 271

Dendrocycna javanica, 451

Dendropicus cardinalis, 190; menstruus, 190

Derbyshire ornithology, rough notes on (1900-1902), 455

Diary, observational, of habits of Great Crested Grebe, and of Peewit, 133

Dicæum erythrorhynchus, 208

Dicranura vinula larvæ making the best of difficulties, 392, 439